Nitro Pro 13 Virus free

Nitro Pro 13

Create, edit and convert PDF files without any problems with this intuitive program that enables users to extract text from PDF thanks to its OCR function.
Nitro Pro is one of the most advanced solutions for creating and editing PDF programs, which basically provides all the tools you would ever need in this regard. Although the app is called “Professional”, it has been developed for both beginners and advanced users, so it will not be too difficult for you to use.


Create PDF files and combine files

Create PDF files from almost any document, image or file

Drag and drop to create and combine PDF files

Insert, delete and organize pages in PDF

Combine multiple files and file types into one PDF

Deep integration with Office 365, SharePoint 365, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive

Copy and paste selected parts of the intact PDF file

Create bulk PDF files

Convert files to and from PDF

Convert Word, PowerPoint and Excel files to editable PDF files

Convert PDF files to editable Word, PowerPoint and Excel files

Convert scanned documents into editable and searchable PDF files

Convert PDF files to JPEG, TIFF or PNG image format

Convert web pages to interactive PDF files along with links

Convert CAD files to PDF

Convert all PDF files to PDF / A 1 and 2

Separate text and images

Convert documents based on postscript

Request and request electronic signatures

Request secure, legally binding electronic signatures

Simple eSignature workflows designed for speed and ease of use

Apply your own electronic signature

Sign and certify documents digitally

Send, track and verify electronic signatures with real-time notifications and analytics

Simple mobile signing optimized for smartphones and tablets

Electronic signature templates for standard forms

Easily add documents and templates that your entire team can access

Edit PDF files

Insert and edit text and images

Insert and edit fonts, layouts and pages

Optimize, collect and repair PDF files

Visually rotate images and pages

Insert and edit tags, links, headings, numbering and watermarks

Insert and edit Bates numbering

Create searchable and editable PDF files from scanning with OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

Smart Alignment Tool

Copy and paste between applications

Automatic size and size

Auto-scroll detection of scanned images

Keep PDF files safe

Add password protection and permissions to PDF files

Edit to permanently delete sensitive data from PDF files

Create secure PDF files that restrict copying and editing

Protect PDF files with Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS)

Encryption support for 64-, 128- and 256-bit (with R6 support)

Work with digital signatures, including support for the Chain of Trust

Manage profiles and certificates for digital signatures

Create and manage your digital ID

Serial security

Track document version

Create and fill out PDF forms

Static support for XFA shape

Create and edit PDF forms

Create, fill, sign easily, send and save

View, tag and tag PDF files

Highlight, cross and underline text with notes

Write with sticky notes, text boxes, conversations, pencils and shapes

Attach entire files as notes

Sort,manage, filter and summarize comments

Apply dynamic brand notes that automatically fill in certain information

Spell check

Compare PDF files

Advanced search provides greater accuracy and contextual results

Smart Object Tool Guidelines customize shapes to ensure content is organized

User environment

Familiar Microsoft Office Style interface for easy adoption

Access your documents from your desktop, browser or mobile device

Works on touch-enabled devices

Integrated Microsoft Office toolbar and shortcuts

Outlook plugin for creating PDF files from email

Print suggestions to reduce printing

Smart tips and product journey

Adaptable home tab

View Content Group (OCG) Layers

Floating toolbar for easier access to editing tools

Drag and drop documents into multiple windows

View PDF files in Windows Explorer, Outlook, and browsers

Easy to install and manage IT

(Available only in business and business plans)

Easy installation with thin, server and desktop surfaces

Support for App-V and managed servers

Nitro Analytics for insight into printing activity and document flows

Manage licenses, users and services via Nitro Admin

NIST 800-53, HIPAA, SOC2 type 2 certificate.

دیدگاه خود را بنویسید

اگر شما هیچ حساب کاربری ندارید ثبت نام کنید، برای ارسال دیدگاه نیاز است که ثبت نام و یا وارد شوید.